My name is Natalia Voskoboinik. I have been working in daycare with kids since 2007. I have 2 degrees - Child Development and Liberal Art - Social and Behavioral Science Emphasis. After graduating De Anza College I founded Pochemuchka Daycare in 2016.

Why did I choose this profession? I not only like taking care, playing and talking with kids, but I like to observe them and help their development and growth.

To be a teacher is a calling. It’s an ability to understand, child’s abilities and habits. It’s a desire to live through childhood once again, be happy for every child, to see the world through their eyes, be excited about something new and explore the world together with the kids. Every single moment of my work is about creating the future.


На вид простое и пишется легко,

Но, только воспитатель знает

Как бывает порою тяжело.

Мы вместо мамы видим слёзы,

Обиды и тоску.

Но расцветаем снова

От нежных слов – люблю!